Friday, February 13, 2009

photohunt 149: nautical

Newburyport Harbor & Marsh tours

snap shots from the summer '08 Duxbury bay / Clark's island


Corey~living and loving said...

lots of GREAT photos for the theme. I love the bouys. :)
happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

I so want to be there! Is that lighthouse always so deep in the water?

Anonymous said...

Good combination of photos.

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Funny- that lighthouse looks like it is submerged. I am so used to seeing very tall, thin lighthouses.

I did Photo Hunters today, too.

Hope you get a chance to visit. Happy weekend!

caimariemo said...

thanks girls! yepp it is submerged, its out in the ocean between plymouth & duxbury mass

thanks for stopping by!

rdl said...

OMG that picture of buglight is my screensaver and i was just thinking i shoulda posted that!
can't wait to visit your new nautical neck of the woods!

caimariemo said...

its my screen saver too!! wow we are so alike!

PowersTwinB said...

OH my!!! Great photo, all of them! I love the old sea salt with his yellow slicker on! My hunt is up, please come and visit. ♥♥♥Happy Valentines Day♥♥♥

rdl said...


Marites said...

i like your pic on the bouys..colorful. Is it a submerged lighthouse?