Tuesday, November 13, 2007

the russian

Holidays are almost here. Time is buzzing by. I hope to start all my shopping early this year, Gregg and I are the worst. We are so much a like, its actually quite scary at times. We've been enjoying our creativity and hope to make some unique gifts this year...yes I said make =) stay tuned I'll let you know how that goes. Well I thought I'd include this festive picture of our fat cat Oscar, hes from Russia and he lives up to his name ie grouch. I know you're all probably thinking that poor cat but he actually didn't mind the hat at all! Trust me he makes the rules.

Monday, November 12, 2007

cave canem

Speaking of favorite pieces of art, this one here is also great. I have an old framed post card that family had sent to my grandfather while in Pompei, Italy. The post card on the front has this picture which is of the first beware of dog sign. It was made in the town of Pompei, before the volcano buried it in 78A.D. The town was dug up after being preserved by the ashes. This symbol is in many doors all over Italy to beware of dogs. Most people in Italy have watch dogs. I love this piece of art and hope to make it apart of my home some day.

clinique caitlin

Nothings better than being all cozy in this blue wing chair chatting with friends, two sleepy dogs at my feet and a mug of fresh coffee. Here is a picture that hangs in my house, its my favorite. She reminds me of myself, anyone who knows me and animals can agree I'm sure. Well, Its a beautiful fall day in New England & out the window are trees full of color and warmth with a clear blue sky and a calm ocean in the distance. I must go enjoy it!