Saturday, October 11, 2008

queen bee

Today's theme. Strangely this is how my day was themed. I felt very stubborn today, I know I am a stubborn person...its just my personality. But today ugh I was stubborn! I was told I'm a princess this morning and always get my way, this afternoon I was told to get off my throne and then this evening my mom gave me a new charm for my Pandora that was a queen bee (silver bee with a gold crown.) Yet all these statements took place in three different locations with three different people. I felt like a joke was being played on me or some how all these people had talked to each other and are conspiring against me? Strange day. Today I feel stuck. Today I feel ready for things to change and start. Today I want the fairytale ending. I'm 25. Ring, white dress, country home, audi wagon, kids, soccer mom, crafts, bedtime stories, feetsie pj's. I had a break down on my turning 25. Where am I. Who am I. What is in store for me. & today I relived that same moment I had on may 19th. I'm ready for something new, somewhere new and some... new. All new but with the shabby chicness of the old. I've started a few things that have been started before and then put on the back burner. This time around I think they will be followed through on. Well only time will tell. I hate time. its always going by too fast, that's how this all started when did I get here and 25!?! Are you a queen bee? I wish I were the queen everyone thinks I am. Cross your fingers with luck for me, I need the new that I'm looking for.

1 comment:

rdl said...

Just be patient little one you Will be a Queen Bee!!